Gunnery Sergeant Victor Galindez Fanfiction


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Keeping My Distance- Part 2
The JAG concept, and the characters of Admiral Chegwidden, Sarah Mackenzie, Harmon Rabb, Jr. , Bud Roberts, Harriet Sims, AJ Roberts, Jason Tiner, Loren Singer, Clayton Webb and Victor Galindez are the property of Belisarius Productions, Paramount Television, CBS-TV and related entities. No copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and no profit is being made.
This story may not be copied or reproduced elsewhere without the consent of the author. 


0300 EDT
Georgetown Alley...

"Real tourist spot here Clay," Harm commented raising his eyebrows as he looked around the dank, smelly alley.

"I go for the best," Webb muttered. "Will you just look for some clues or something?"

"Webb, we know what happened. Gunny was assaulted by guys who run the mugging scam on the Beltway."

"Yeah, well tell me why the CIA is so interested in muggings then. That was the case I was going to use Galindez on. Damned convenient he ended up a victim."

"The CIA is interested in muggings now?" Harm asked.

"Apparently. I want to know why."

"Don't blame you...but maybe the best place to start is with talking to the guys who assaulted Gunny."

"You think they'll give us a straight answer?" Webb snorted.

"No, but we're wasting our time looking around here."

"Shows what you know Rabb," Webb answered with a self-satisfied grin as he pulled a wallet out of a pile of trash. "Now...why don't you go home and catch a few hours of sleep. I'll call you later on and let you know what I need you for."

"I don't like being brushed off Webb," Harm warned in a low voice.

"And I know that...but I don't think the Admiral would like it much if you were with me for what I'm going to do next. Last time I checked Breaking and Entering was still illegal," Webb grinned wolfishly.

"Don't tell me anymore...I'll talk to you later."


0730 EDT
Roberts' Apartment...


"Honey, what are you doing?" Bud asked curiously as he watched his wife placing muffins into a large wicker basket.

"Making a sunshine basket for Gunny," Harriet answered in an exasperated tone as she began rummaging through the cupboards for the tea she wanted to put in.

"Oh...and you'll bring it in and everyone will contribute, right?"

"Well, maybe not everyone..." Harriet grumbled thinking of Lieutenant Singer.

"That's a sweet idea honey," Bud smiled kissing his wife's forehead gently. He loved how thoughtful she was. "Austin and Gunny will really appreciate it."

"I hope so...I wonder how Gunny's feeling this morning?"

"Sore probably and groggy from the meds. Austin is there with him though, he's in good hands."

"They're a nice couple, aren't they Bud?" Harriet asked with a smile as she put her arms around him looking at the dried carnation she kept attached to the refrigerator door from the bouquet Gunny and Austin had sent her about a month ago.

"Sure are honey and they have you to thank for meeting each other. We really should get going...we have to drop AJ off and we'll be late if we don't go now."

Harriet hefted the huge basket handing it to Bud. "You take this...I'll go get little AJ."


0830 EDT
Bethesda Naval Hospital
Room 212...

"And how are we feeling this morning Gunnery Sergeant Galindez?" A nurse called cheerily as she walked into the hospital room and over to the window, opening the curtains.

Victor muttered something rude in Spanish, his voice thick with sleep and rolled his head to the side slipping back into a doze.

"Not much of a morning person, are you Vic," Austin cooed running her fingers over his face gently.


"I just came to tell you the doctor will be in at about 1000 and after he examines you he will be signing your release papers."

Victor opened one eye a slit and looked at the nurse. "Home?"

"As long as there will be someone there to help you the first few days, yes we're planning on releasing you."

"I'll be there with him. I have today and tomorrow off," Austin answered missing Victor's frown.

Austin seeing him so weak and basically helpless was not what Victor Galindez wanted. If they had been married, or dating longer he might have felt differently, but that wasn't the case. "You should be at work."

"The Admiral gave me today and tomorrow off," Austin replied her tone confused. "You didn't have a problem with this last night."

"I wasn't thinking straight last night."

"Oh--Well I suppose Tiner can check in on you then or something. Maybe Harriet," Austin got out of the chair and went to the small closet where she'd left her jacket and purse the night before.

"Aus, wait," He didn't want to see her go away when she was so obviously hurt. He didn't want to hurt her and the more he thought about it the less he wanted to be alone. He'd been alone most of the time after he'd been shot in the six and he'd gotten bored and lonely. If Austin was around they could cuddle together on the sofa or in the bed. Besides, if his mother found out what had happened and that he was alone Victor could almost guarantee that she'd be on his doorstep and he didn't need that much TLC.

 "No, you're so concerned that I'm not working I might as well go in. I'll stop by after work and get my bag. I'd hate to infringe on your private space."

Oh hell, Victor thought to himself. If Austin walked out the door now they were through. She was way beyond angry and he couldn't blame her one bit. He had been a jerk.

"Could you excuse us for a minute or two, Ma'am?" he asked the nurse.

"Certainly. Just buzz me when you're finished and I'll come back in to check your blood pressure and pulse."

"Austin, come back here please."


"Aus, please..." Victor coaxed.

"You hurt my feelings," Austin accused moving a step or two closer to the bed.
"I'm sorry Aus, I do want you around. It's just that-well, I'm a Marine-"

"And Marines are tough and strong and never need help?" Austin finished for him crossing her arms over her chest.

"Something like that...sounds stupid, huh?" Victor chuckled.

"It is stupid," Austin cried feeling tears spring into her eyes.

"Hey...Aus, come here," Victor called softly holding a hand out to her as the first tear slid haltingly down her cheek.

She walked to the bed and dropped into the chair again pressing her face into her hands while she sniffled and cried.

"I'm sorry Austin...please don't cry...please," he pleaded.

"I-I thought...we...had a relationship," Austin sniffled lifting her face to look at him.

"We do, we do. I was just being a jerk earlier," He wiped the tears from her face leaning forward to press his lips against her cheek. "Just think about all the snuggling we can do with no interruptions once we're home."

"That might be nice," Austin nodded.

"I agree Miss Bradford. How about you go freshen up a little and I'll get the nurse in here again so she can do what she needs to do."


0900 EDT
JAG Headquarters
Falls Church, Virginia...


"Good Morning People," AJ called as he stepped into the conference room for the daily staff meeting. He looked around the table noting Austin's normal spot was empty. Good, he'd been worried she might come in anyway despite his order. She'd told him, on more than one occasion, that technically he had no authority over her and she obeyed his orders out of respect. He really liked her spunk...too bad she was young enough to be his daughter and involved with Gunny.

"Sir, where is Miss Bradford?" Loren Singer asked.

"I gave her the day off Lieutenant. Is that all right with you?" AJ questioned raising an eyebrow at the pushy young attorney. Singer hadn't made much attempt to hide her anger at Austin getting an office of her own while she was still relegated to the bullpen.

"Of course Sir, I didn't mean anything by what I said. I just wanted to be sure someone didn't need to go remind her it was a staff meeting."

"Let's get started. First I'd like to let all of you know that Gunny won't be in for the rest of this week probably. He was the victim of an attempted mugging last night. He's fine...a little bruised but when I talked to him a little while ago he said it was no worse than the way he felt during boot camp."

"Sir, may I interrupt for a little bit?" Harriet requested politely.

"Of course you may Lieutenant."

"I just wanted you all to know that I am getting a sunshine basket together for Gunny. It's in the break room and Lieutenant Roberts and I are going to bring it by his home after work today. That's all I had to say sir."

"Thank you Lieutenant, that's an excellent idea you had. I'm sure Gunny will appreciate it very much."

Isn't that sweet. Maybe I should put in some condoms so he doesn't get his new girlfriend in a family way, Loren Singer thought nastily. She hated that Austin was with the Gunny. She'd been thinking Gunny might be fun for a little relaxation and then Roberts' stupid cow of a wife had introduced the Marine to Austin. It had been all over after that, not that she'd caught them in the supply closet in a compromising position or anything, but every time
Austin walked through the bullpen Gunny's eyes were on her. It just wasn't fair.

"All right people...let's get to work," the Admiral ordered making Singer jump when she realized she'd missed the entire staff meeting.


1400 EDT
Galindez Apartment...

Rolling to his side in his bed, Victor opened his eyes sighing to see the empty space beside him. When he'd drifted off Austin had been in bed with him her back pressed against his chest her fingers laced with his over her stomach. He rolled to his back hissing briefly and then listening. She had to be somewhere in the apartment.

There, the low sound of the TV. He glanced at his alarm clock and smiled, he bet she was watching "A Baby Story" on TLC. Deciding he'd had enough sleep for the moment Victor pushed to a seated position and swung his legs over the edge of the bed.

Austin looked up surprised to see Victor shuffling into the living room. He looked rested even with the bruises darkening on his skin. "Hi, did the TV wake you?"

"Nope, I think it was the loss of body heat brought about by your departure," He commented easing to the sofa beside her.

"Are you hungry? I had a tuna sandwich for lunch and Ill be happy to fix something for you."

"Not right now," Victor commented eyes widening as he watched the scene before him on the screen. "Whoa...a little intense."

"Oh Victor...its childbirth. A completely natural process," Austin rolled her eyes in exasperation. Why was it that men made such a huge deal of things like this?

"I agree, but I wouldnt want a camera crew filming my wife having our baby. It should be a private time," He said primly, brows knit together in a frown.

Austin was ready to respond to the turn in the conversation when the cordless phone shrilled from the coffee table. She reached for it bringing it to her ear as she turned it on. "Hello. Galindez residence. May I help you?"

"Good afternoon Miss Bradford. This is Clayton Webb. Is the Gunnery Sergeant available?"

"Let me check,Mr. Webb."

Victor reached for the phone. "Galindez here."

"How are you feeling Victor?"

"Damned sore. What do you want Webb?"

"I just wanted to let you know your buddies from last night were released on bail this morning."

"And I'd care about this why?" Victor demanded his eyes narrowing in anger as he climbed to his feet again and shuffled from the living room.

 "Because youre one of the good guys Galindez. You wouldnt want those creeps to get someone else would you?"

"Right now I don't give a damn Webb...stop calling here," Victor growled slamming the phone into the base then leaning his head against the wall.

"Vic?" Her arms encircled his waist from behind and she dropped a kiss on his shoulder blade. "Are you okay?"

"Fine...feel like making me that sandwich now?" He forced himself to smile at her as he turned in her arms lifting a hand to cup her chin and tilt it up, kissing her gently.


1630 EDT

"I'm telling you: I want that Marine."

Clayton Webb dropped into chair at the other side of the two men's table and smiled mildly. "I'm betting that isn't going to happen."

"Who the hell- Hey! You're the hero from last night," Todd groaned getting ready to get out of his seat.

"I wouldn't," Webb said smiling when Todd got up and Rabb appeared in back of him.

"I'd advise that you take a seat Mr. Ingalls," Harm suggested in a neutral tone nodding to the chair the man had just vacated.

"What do you want?" The shorter man, Glenn Pfeiffer asked looking nervously from one man to the other.

"Just to talk about what happened last night," Webb replied nodding to Harm to take the other empty chair.

"It was personal. That Marine got off for beating the hell out of some gays...I thought he should know what it felt like."

"Okay, last night was personal...tell me about the other nights. What made you decide on the little game you've been playing?"

Todd shrugged, looking suddenly uncomfortable "Something to do. A way to make a little extra cash."

"I see. So why is it that your list of victims reads like the diplomatic roles?" Harm asked glaring at the two men, daring one of them to lie to him.

"We don't have to say anything!" Glenn squeaked sounding not at all sure of his statement.

"Nope you're right you don't. But I'm betting the guys you work for aren't going to be too happy to hear that you've had this little chat with us," Webb smiled and stood followed closely by Harm the two of them walked away and out the door of the bar.

"Think they'll be calling you?" Harm asked once they'd gotten into Webb's company issue car.

"I'd bet on it. Those two didn't come up with this idea on their own and whoever hired them isn't going to be too happy about what happened last night. Way too much publicity."

"So now we wait?"

"You got it Commander, now we wait," Clay chuckled.

"Think Gunny's safe?" Harm questioned.

"Perfectly safe. Those two are cowards."


August 15, 2001
0700 EDT
JAG Headquarters...

"I don't think you're supposed to be coming to work yet," Austin grumbled to Victor as they stepped into the elevator on the ground floor.

"I was going stir crazy at home and since when is counting paper clips anything close to hazardous duty?" Victor shot back.

He bit his lip after he snapped at her not wanting to let any more of his frustration leak out. Victor knew Austin was just concerned about him, but that concern had nearly driven him nuts yesterday. Every move he had made had found her asking him if he was okay or if he needed anything. He'd finally retreated to the bedroom just to get some peace and quiet.

"Fine, I was only thinking of you," Austin answered shrugging.

Victor sighed and leaned against the back wall of the elevator. "I know Aus and I appreciate that. I'm a Marine and these bruises are nothing."

Austin nodded deciding she wasn't going to say another word because she was risking losing her temper with him. She didn't care if he was Superman: he could still be hurt and not admitting that was just plain stupid.

"Want to have dinner together tonight?" Victor asked quietly sensing she was upset with him and not wanting that to be the case.

"No, I'm sure you'll need the rest after today and I should get back to my apartment and water the plants," Austin tossed back over her shoulder as the doors slid open and she could step into the hallway and away from him.


1000 EDT
JAG Headquarters
Conference Room...

"Well Miss Bradford, you've been on the job a little over a month. What do you think of the way the Navy provides for its families?" The SecNav asked as he leaned back in his chair studying the young woman.

"I think they do a fairly good job Mr. Secretary," Austin answered honestly catching the Admiral raising an eyebrow at her statement out of the corner of her eye. Diplomacy was fine and she was trying to use tact, but she was not going to lie. She would have been as honest if she was talking to the President.

"Only fairly good? What do you see as weaknesses?"

AJ groaned inwardly, this sounded like it was going to get ugly. Why couldn't he have begged off on this meeting and sent Mac in in his place? Ah well, might as well sit back and see how Austin dealt with the pompous, arrogant fool.

"Well Mr. Secretary, I have found many of the Case Managers are not up on the most recent trends in early childhood education and intervention. They aren't interested in prevention, more in putting a band-aid on after the fact. I feel there should be some mandatory coursework to help these people brush up on their skills."

"Interesting...please, go on."

"The only other weakness that I have seen is the relationships between the case managers and some of the Evaluators and staff at Bethesda. It seems more adversarial than it should be," Austin continued.

"Hmmm, and how would you propose mediating that problem?"

"I'm not sure...perhaps some meetings would be in order. To allow everyone to sit down face-to-face and talk. In public school systems a child's team sits down to make decisions together and every member of the team has input. In the EFMP it sometimes feels like it's the parents and case manager against everyone else."

"You brought up some interesting points Miss Bradford, very interesting. I'll think them over and get back to you. Admiral Chegwidden, stay for a few minutes if you please."

"Thank you Mr. Secretary, good day," Austin said formally as she got to her feet amused when the Admiral and SecNav both got to their feet too in a chivalrous gesture. She toyed with the idea of sitting down again but forced it out of her mind. Now was not the time to play games. Besides she was sure the men were going to talk about her when she left, she might as well clear out and let them get to it.

She closed the door of the conference room behind her and walked through the bullpen actively ignoring Victor as she passed his desk.

"Ouch...what'd you do to her Gunny?" Tiner asked as he walked by with a stack of
reports to file.

"Tiner, keep your mind on your job."


 1445 EDT
Courtyard outside JAG Headquarters...

Austin had slipped out into the warm sunny day to get some fresh air and unwind a half hour ago. Now she was sitting at one of the picnic tables a file spread open before her when someone blocked the sunlight.

"Miss Bradford."

"Mr. Webb."

"Do you have some time to talk?" Clay asked noting how quickly she closed the file and slid it closer to herself like she was trying to protect it from him.

"A few minutes," Austin relented.

"It's about Gunnery Sergeant Galindez-" Clay began eyes widening when she got to her feet.

"In that case you should speak to the Gunnery Sergeant, not me." Austin turned on her heel and marched back into the building leaving a mystified Webb behind.

"Wow...that was smooth Webb. That must be some kind of new record for you in ticking women off," Harm joked as he took a seat.

"You could have warned me the two of them weren't speaking," Webb growled wanting to wipe the smug grin off Rabb's face.

"And ruin the surprise? No-seriously Webb, I don't think they're fighting."

"Then you tell me why at the mention of his name she closed down on me and walked away," Webb spat crossing his arms over his chest. "I heard from one of our muggers."


"Yep...he's ready to sing. I can't blame him since his buddy's come up missing. No one's seen Todd Ingalls since Tuesday evening."

"What are we waiting for then? Let's go get him."

Austin stood just inside the door where she could see the two men talking wondering at herself. There had been no need for her to get up and walk away at the mention of Victor's name, but she had. She massaged her temples gently sighing as she turned to go back to her office. Maybe it was time for a vacation.


1500 EDT
Admiral's Private Office...


"Admiral, Miss Bradford to see you."

"Send her in Tiner."

"Admiral Chegwidden, I would like to request some vacation time," Austin said as she handed the request forms across his desk.

"Next week? This seems sudden...have a seat Miss Bradford," AJ suggested nodding to one of the leather chairs as he slipped his glasses on and perused her request.

"I realize I'm not giving you 14 days notice sir, but I'm just feeling like I need to get away for a bit."

"You did a fine job with SecNav this morning...impressed the hell out of him. He's used to people telling him everything is fantastic whether it is or not."

"Thank you Sir, that means a great deal coming from you."

"I'm going to take a guess here and say the meeting with SecNav didn't precipitate this request," AJ replied taking off his glasses and looking across his desk at her. "I'm going to hazard a guess it has to do with a certain stubborn Marine who looks like he went a few rounds with Tyson."

Austin shrugged. "Not completely, but yes in part."

"Well, far be it from me to interfere in the personal lives of my people...I'm sure you and Gunny can handle your own difficulties. Request Approved."

Austin smiled. She genuinely liked the Admiral, he cared about the people he commanded and he did it without interfering where he wasn't wanted or needed. "Thank you sir...I'll send you a postcard from New York City."

AJ chuckled and shook his head. "You do that Miss Bradford. You do that."


1925 EDT
Austin's Apartment
Rosslyn, Virginia...

The water from the shower head was running over her body wiping away the dust Austin was covered in from a fit of cleanliness that had resulted in her attacking her small storage room with a mop and cleaning supplies. She heard the phone shrill through her apartment and briefly considered getting out to answer it then shrugged to herself and turned her attention back to her shower. Whoever it was could wait.


Same time
Victor's Apartment...

"Damn," Victor muttered as he heard Austin's voice on the answering machine. They needed to talk. He heard the beep in his ear and sighed deeply.

"Austin, it's Victor...Look I think we need to talk. I hear you're planning on a vacation next week. Call me: please."

He hung up the phone and sat back on the sofa letting waves of exhaustion roll over him. He'd gone back to work too soon and Victor knew he would pay for that. He felt exhausted and irritated.

"And sad..." he acknowledged to himself thinking of how happy Lieutenant Singer had been to tell him that Austin had asked for and received a week's vacation time for the following week. One little rough patch and she was ready to run from him and what they were trying to build together.

"Dammit Marine, what is your objective in this campaign?" He asked himself thinking of an old DI he'd had once. "Figure it out and get off your lazy six."

Several minutes later Victor let himself out of his apartment locking the door behind him before he went to his car and climbed in. He wasn't going to let Austin go without a damn good fight.

Driving to her place Victor felt his nerve and resolve flagging. He had been pretty rotten to her, snapping at her when she was just concerned about him. "Hold fast Marine...anything worth having is worth fighting for."

He pulled his car to a stop and climbed gingerly out wincing at the dull, heavy ache in his kidneys wishing he had the two men who had done this to him in a room alone for awhile, he'd show them the meaning of pain. Victor walked to the front door of the building hoping he wasn't going to run into Lieutenant Sims or Lieutenant Roberts: he didn't want to talk to anyone but Austin at the moment.


Inside Austin's Apartment...

Austin was toweling her hair dry when she walked into her living room dressed in a blue waffle weave robe. She perched on an arm of the sofa and pressed play on the answering machine.

"Austin, it's Victor...Look I think we need to talk. I hear you're planning on a vacation next week. Call me: please."

"Oh no've been rude enough for one day. We can talk tomorrow...maybe," She told the hapless answering machine while she erased the message and got up heading for the kitchen to see if there was anything edible in her refrigerator.

The phone shrilled again and Austin reached for it, thinking that even if it was Victor he might not be feeling well and she didn't want him to suffer even if he was a jerk. He was an injured jerk and like it or not she was pretty fond of him. "Hello?"

"Hi Aus, it's me."

"Are you all right Victor?"

"Fine...tired, you know. Um...I was wondering if we could talk."

"Not tonight Victor: I'm too tired to verbally spar with you on the phone," Austin sighed wrinkling her nose at the barren look of her refrigerator.

"I thought you might be-so I'm standing at your door talking on my cell phone. May I come in?"

Austin stood up, eyes widening in surprise as she walked to the door and threw it open. Sure enough there was Victor on her welcome mat looking like a little lost boy.

"Hey," he whispered softly a sheepish smile curving his lips as he reached out to touch her cheek.

"Hey yourself...come on in. I warn you though there is no food in this place...maybe a can or two of condensed soup, but not much else."

Victor stepped in, closing and locking the door behind himself. "I'm not here for food. I'm here for you. I-um...well...I-I didn't behave well attitude stunk."

"You can say that again Gunnery Sergeant," Austin teased softly before she saw the look in his eyes. Victor was serious and he was seriously trying to apologize to her.

"I guess I'm trying to say I'm sorry Austin...I was horrible to you," Victor paused taking a deep breath to steel his courage. This apologizing business was harder than a recon mission in a stormy ocean and Victor was surprised his knees weren't knocking together. "Forgive me?"

His last words sounded so forlorn Austin felt her heart melt in her chest, even as she told herself their making up couldn't be that easy. She forced herself to look into his eyes looking to see if his words were heartfelt or just a way to get himself into her good graces again. She saw no subterfuge and she stepped up to him putting her arms carefully around his waist.

"I forgive you Victor, but you can't behave like that when someone is concerned about you," Austin scolded hugging him to take some of the sting from her words.

"I'm sorry," Victor yawned.

"Come on in look like you're about ready to drop," Austin urged leading the tired Marine to the sofa, being sure he was settled comfortably before she went to whip up something for dinner.


2245 EDT

"Geez Webb, we've got to stop meeting this way or people are going to start talking."

Clay rolled his eyes and shook his head as he rose from a kneeling position beside the body he'd been studying. "No positive ID yet...but I'm betting this is our friend Todd."

Harm whistled softly. "Damn someone was mad as hell at him. Think our other buddy Glenn is on the list too."

"I'd count on it. But he's wearing a if I'm feeling kind-hearted I might even save his worthless hide should he be found."

"You kind?"

"Rabb, do you purposely push everyone's buttons?"

"No, it's a skill I have."

"I want you to call Galindez...I don't think whoever did this is going to go looking for him, but they might. Let him know what's up: he might want to keep an eye on Miss Bradford's whereabouts."

Harm nodded reaching for his cell phone as he walked away trying Gunny's cell phone first. He had the feeling it would be easier to reach him that way.


"Hey Gunny, sorry to wake you. This is Commander Rabb...Webb and I found one of the guys who beat you. Not a pretty sight...Webb thought you should keep an eye out for yourself and Austin too."

"Not a problem Sir. I appreciate the call."

Harm heard a second person talking sleepily in the background, a definite feminine voice
and smiled to himself. Go Gunny! "I won't keep you Gunny."

"Thank you Sir."


2300 EDT
Austin's Apartment
Rosslyn, Virginia...

"Who was that?" Austin mumbled sleepily lifting her head from her pillow.

"Nothing important...go back to sleep," Victor soothed in a soft sing-song voice rubbing Austin's back gently until she lowered her head again sighing softly as she drifted to sleep.

When he was sure she was asleep Victor slipped from the bed padding with familiar ease through the dark apartment  to the door checking to be the locks were engaged, including the dead bolt he'd installed for her. Then he went around to the windows being sure they were all locked clicking his tongue in displeasure at the number of windows that weren't. He was going to have to have a talk with her.

Certain that the apartment was as secure as he could make it Victor sat down on the sofa pulling his service piece from an inner pocket in his jacket, checking to be sure it was loaded and the safety was on. With that done he padded back to the bedroom easing into the bed beside Austin, slipping the holstered gun under the mattress so he would be able to reach it if he needed it.

Austin whined softly in her sleep, a complaint at his shifting the bed and Victor smiled indulgently as he got comfortable beside her whispering tenderly in her ear as he ran a hand along her back.



0500 EDT
Austin's Apartment
Rosslyn, Virginia

The solid, warm pillow under her head shifted and Austin blinked waking rapidly to find herself in the middle of her bed snuggled against Victor's body. She raised her head slowly getting her arms underneath her to prop herself up and watch him sleep.

The bruises had deepened and darkened over the intervening days and the side of Victor's face looked like someone had splashed it with dark purple paint. The marks on his chest and torso were just as bad and it made tears prick her eyes. He must have been in pain and yet he refused to stop or acknowledge that fact.

He's stubborn, Austin thought to herself as she climbed from the bed. She needed to get up and exercise a little before she got ready for work. She walked into the living room and looked out a window yearning to go out for a jog, knowing she wouldn't.

It would make Victor crazy and she didn't need the lecture. Sighing she stepped to the treadmill in the corner of the room and flipped the stereo on, pulling on the headphones before she stepped on the treadmill keying in her workout losing herself in the rhythm of her steps and the music flooding her head.

Victor stood by the bedroom door watching Austin feeling a fierce swell of emotion build in his chest. She could have gone out jogging and he would lay money on the fact that she had wanted to go jogging, but here she was using the treadmill instead. She was taking his feelings into account.

"Hey...good morning. I'm sorry, I should have put the coffee on before I got on this thing," Austin apologized as she slipped the headphones off her ears and wiped her arm
across her head to get rid of the sweat running down her face.

"No problem Aus, you go shower...I'll handle the coffee."

"Might want to put some pants or something on first Vic. Harriet sometimes comes over for coffee. I wouldn't want her falling in lust with your bod."

Victor flushed red to the roots of his hair at the very idea and disappeared back into the bedroom to pull on a pair of lounging pants he'd left at Austin's at one point or another.

"I love you in your boxers sweetie," Austin cooed when he emerged again, kissing him on the corner of the mouth before she went into the bathroom.

Sweetie?? Victor thought to himself looking after her before he shook his head and headed into the kitchen setting to work making the coffee remembering that Austin didn't like hers as strong as he liked his. Whistling to himself, Victor opened the door to get the morning paper almost slamming it shut when he saw Bud Roberts doing the same.

"Good morning Gunny," Bud said pleasantly.

"Good morning Sir," Victor answered grabbing the paper and going back in quickly before Bud had a chance to register what he'd just said.

"Gunny?!?" Bud said in shock his jaw dropping as he realized what he'd just seen. " aren't going to believe this!"


0730 EDT

Parking Lot
JAG Headquarters
Falls Church, Virginia...

Glenn Pfeifer's hands shook as he crouched behind the clump of bushes waiting for someone to arrive. He'd been here almost all night, barely managing to sneak in past the Marine guards posted all around the place. He was hoping the first in would be that Marine he and Todd had beaten. Someone had to pay for what had been done to Todd and the Marine was as good as anyone.

"Shoulda brought a gun or something...anything..."

He heard a vehicle pull into the spot right in front of where he was hiding and peeked around the edge of the bushes. It wasn't the was some old guy driving a huge SUV.

"Son...get out from behind those bushes before I call Security on you," AJ growled planting his hands on his hips.


"What in the hell are you doing here and who the hell are you?"

"I'm just lost sir...that's all," Glenn lied knowing the older man wasn't buying it. He was ready to run when he was thrown against the hood of the vehicle.

"Can't stand liars son...I've seen your face. You're one of the ones who beat my Gunnery

Sergeant. Let's take a walk to my office and I'll give Mr. Webb a call. I'm sure he's looking for you." AJ ordered marching the man into JAG Ops keeping a tight hold on his shirt collar.

Glenn cowered in the chair the Admiral shoved him in almost trembling as he wondered what was going to happen to him.

"Webb's on his way, said he's been looking for you all night long. He didn't sound very happy."

Victor Galindez chose that moment to rap on his CO's open door. "Good morning Sir."

"YOU!" Glenn exploded from his chair like a wild man rushing at Victor with a pocket knife held in front of him.

Victor crouched down and swept the shorter man from his feet as soon as he was close enough.

Glenn stumbled, but didn't go down just continued out into the bull pen looking for someone he could use to get out of there. He grabbed the first person he saw, a pretty woman with short brown hair kneeling down in front of an open filing cabinet. "GET UP NOW!"

"Wha-? OW!!" Austin screamed as a hot line of pain ran down her arm. She looked to see blood welling from a cut and her mouth dropped in shock.

"You're my ticket out of here...let's go. I'm betting the security guys won't shoot you," Glenn pulled Austin to her feet and showed her the knife dripping her blood. "Give me any trouble and I'll make sure you bleed more than that."

"Let her go!" Victor bellowed looking like an enraged bull as he stood in the doorway to the Admiral's office.

"Not a chance...she's going to help me get out of here."

"Like HELL..." Victor growled advancing a step only to stop when the knife pressed into Austin's cheek blood welling up as the blade slipped into her skin.

"Victor," Austin's voice trembled and she bit her lip, swallowing reflexively to calm herself. The last thing she needed was to bleed anymore or see Victor get hurt. "Calm down...just stay there."

"She's right Gunny...back off...Webb's on his way here and I just saw Rabb coming in the building and got him on his cell phone. Keep his attention on you so Rabb can sneak up on him," AJ said quietly from behind the door.

"He made her bleed Sir..." Victor hissed more furious than he had ever been in his life.

"I know that Gunnery Sergeant...and if you rush him he's damned sure going to make her bleed more."

"Let her's me you want," Victor said keeping his ground watching helplessly as the desperate man pulled Austin toward the elevators with him.

"She'll do just-" Glenn never finished his sentence as his hand was grabbed and twisted up behind his back making him drop the knife with a howl of pain.

"Gunny, a little first aid here," Harm called when Austin turned to look at him with wide, startled eyes.

"Thank you," Austin breathed while her field of vision narrowed around her until everything went black.

Victor had grabbed the first aid kit from his desk and managed to catch Austin in his arms before she hit the floor. He lowered her gently down turning her head so he could see the small cut on her cheek where the knife had pierced her skin. It didn't look too bad, but he wasn't going to take any chances.

"Bring her in my office Gunny. She doesn't need the entire staff crowding around her when she comes to. You can call Bethesda from there as well," AJ suggested as he stepped forward kneeling down to lift Austin in his arms.

"Sir, yes sir," Victor answered following behind while the Admiral carried Austin into his office and put her in the chair behind his desk reclining it slightly.

"Take care of her Gunny. Rabb and I will deal with the other matter."

Victor watched as the door closed before letting the controlled mask on his face drop away.

"Austin?" he called softly as he pressed a piece of gauze over the cut on her cheek studying the laceration on her arm. It was longer, but much shallower and the bleeding had all but stopped. He applied gauze to that as well, taping it gently in place.

"Come on Aus, open your eyes...please," Victor pleaded softly while he moved the phone on the Admiral's desk closer and punched in the number for Bethesda alerting them that he would be bringing Austin in and what her injuries were.

By the time he hung up Austin was coming around.

"You're safe Aus, you and I are in the Admiral's office. As soon as you have your bearings a little I'm going to take you to Bethesda to get checked out," Victor informed her as he took her hands squeezing them between his.

"I passed out, didn't I?" Austin groaned shaking her head gingerly. Great, now everyone was going to think she was a hysterical female: just what she needed.

"You did," Victor agreed brushing a hand over her cheek. "Hell when he stuck that knife in your cheek I almost passed out. I wanted to kill him Austin."

"My Marine," Austin smiled fondly ruffling his short hair tenderly. "I kind of like having you around."

"The feeling is very mutual Ma'am," Victor teased knowing how much she hated that particular form of address.

"Gunnery Sergeant..." Austin warned narrowing her eyes at him.

"Aus...I'm gonna go way out on limb here, so don't shoot me down or anything...but how would you feel about our relationship...exclusive?" Victor felt heat suffuse his face at his words and was sure his face was flaming bright red, but he forced himself to keep looking in Austin's eyes.

"I think it might be time for that," she nodded feeling her spine tingle with nerves. She liked keeping her distance in relationships, not getting too close or too personal.

"I'm not used to being really close to someone Victor, I won't lie to you there. I'm more used to being on my own with someone to occasionally keep me company."

"I understand, but it can't be that way this time Austin: I want us to get close and be honest. I'll give you space, but if you try to shut me out I'm going to have to storm the door. I'm a Marine after all."

The sound of someone clearing their throat behind them made Austin and Victor jump.

"I was just coming to see how Miss Bradford was feeling," Harm stuttered.

"Much better thank you again Commander Rabb. I appreciate what you did," Austin smiled getting to her feet wobbling slightly.

"Easy does it Miss Bradford...let's get you to Bethesda so the docs can check you over, be sure you're okay," Victor reverted to a formal tone as he put an arm gently around Austin's back to help steady her.


1150 EDT
Admiral Chegwidden's Office
JAG Headquarters...

"Admiral, Miss Bradford and Gunnery Sergeant Galindez here to see you."

"Fine Tiner, send them in,"

Clayton Webb turned in his chair to watch the two walk in noting how solicitous Gunny was being to the woman, holding the door, letting her enter first, nodding for her to sit down while he stood at attention by her side. "I'm glad to see you suffered no serious injury Miss Bradford."

"Thank you Mr. Webb," Austin answered before turning to the Admiral. "Sir, I'd like to respectfully ask why the two sentries on duty last night both issued public formal apologies to me."

"If they'd done their job last night you wouldn't have been put in the position you were this morning," AJ growled.

"I have to disagree Admiral Chegwidden."

"What??" Three men questioned in unison, looking at Austin as if she'd lost her mind.

"He was a desperate, frightened man. I don't think the sentries did a thing wrong: that man just wanted to be where he was too much to be stopped."

AJ shook his head and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Miss Bradford...I all ready have Rabb here to give me headaches and push my buttons: do you suppose you could try not to join him in those activities?"

"I can try Sir, but I have to speak my mind."

"Lord, I was afraid of that," AJ groaned. "Webb, why don't you tell us why you're here."

"I just wanted to let Gunnery Sergeant Galindez know that Pfeiffer sang like a bird. It was quite an elaborate scam going on. These men targeted diplomats for muggings and found out their whereabouts and plans from people they'd planted in the embassies. Pfeiffer and Ingalls were the muggers and they would get their orders to be on the Beltway at certain times and the diplomats, being basically kind men, would stop and offer to help."

"This group planted people in the embassies?" Victor asked in amazement.

"Yes they did...I have a team set to sweep the Israeli Embassy and several others to flush out the plants."

"So why Victor-um...Gunnery Sergeant Galindez?" Austin asked correcting herself quickly before meeting the Admiral's raised eyebrow with a calm look.

"He happened to stop. They were actually waiting for someone else," Webb answered. "You did a hell of a job serving your country Gunny."

"Thank you Mr. Webb, sir."

"Well, I'd best be on my way...nothing I like more than interrogating people," Webb got to his feet with a smile.

"I think you really mean that," Austin said when Webb had taken her hand to kiss her knuckles gently.

"I do," he smiled before leaving the office.

"Gunny, have a seat. I think I need to have a talk with you and Miss Bradford."


"Don't look so worried can have a relationship if you want to. I just want us to all know the rules of engagement here."

"Interesting choice of words Admiral," Austin said.

AJ sighed and shook his head before starting, "First: I don't want any public displays of affection at JAG Ops. I do not want to walk into the supply closet and find it being used as a rendezvous spot. The head is also off limits Miss Bradford, since I've found you in there once before."

"That was different Sir, and it hasn't happened since," Austin defended herself.

"I expect you'll both be completely professional about this. What you two do on your own time is your business, just keep it out of my office."

"Yes Sir, of Course Sir!"

"Dismissed," AJ looking back down at the reports on his desk. "Ah Miss Bradford...normally when one of my people is injured on duty I give them the rest of the day off. Did I not mention that to you?"

"You did mention it Sir, I just decided I wanted to be working. I am off next week after all."


"Fine then," AJ grinned. Two could play this game. "Gunnery Sergeant Galindez?"

"Yes Sir?"

"I am giving you a direct order to remove Miss Bradford from JAG Ops and be sure she does not return again today. Do you think this mission is within your capabilities Marine?"

"Yes Sir, I believe I am capable of successfully completing this mission, Sir," Victor answered snapping to attention.

"Very well then Gunnery Sergeant. You have your orders. Dismissed."

"You cannot be serious!" Austin growled looking shocked.

"Very serious...go home and rest," AJ smiled watching as Gunny escorted the sputtering EFMP director from his office. They were a good couple and if what he'd overheard Rabb telling Mac was true they were now officially a couple.

"Now I just have to get someone to knock some sense into Rabb and Mackenzie," he muttered turning his attention back to his paperwork.

                                            ~*THE END*~